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Curling Standings

Wednesday Beer Curling 2023


  Team Total Score
1   Motley Brew 48
2   High Strung 47
3   Beards and Beers 46
4   Mendens 41
5   Brews Clues 40
6   Don't Fear the Sweeper 34
7   Half Canadian 31
8   Henkel 29
9   Italy 2026 27
10   The Curling J's 24
11   Slide and the Family Stone 22
12   Curls Next Door 17
13   Haselman 15
14   The Shot Rocks 15
15   Funky Monkeys 13
16   Marge and In Charge 13
17   No idea 12
18   Getting Outside for Our Stupid Mental Health 8
19   Frozen Buckeyes 7
20   Beers on Ice 3
How are Standings Calculated?
Teams are ranked by their cumulative score throughout the season.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.
Fifty West Brewing Company
7605 Wooster Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45227
(513) 834-8789